Type Infer




Feb 11, 2025

Welcome to the type_infer documentation. type_infer is a Python package aimed at automatically inferring the data type for each column in a tabular dataset.

Quick Guide


You can install type_infer as follows:

pip install type_infer

We recommend doing the above inside a newly-created python virtual environment.

Setting up a dev environment

  • Clone the repository

  • Run cd type_infer && pip install --editable .

  • Add it to your python path (e.g. by adding export PYTHONPATH='/where/you/cloned/repo':$PYTHONPATH as a newline at the end of your ~/.bashrc file)

  • Check that the unit-tests are passing by going into the directory where you cloned and running: python -m unittest discover tests


If python default to python2.x on your environment use python3 and pip3 instead

Quick start

type_infer works with pandas.DataFrames.

import type_infer


We love to receive contributions from the community and hear your opinions! We want to make contributing as easy as it can be.

Please continue reading this guide if you are interested.

How can you help us?

  • Report a bug

  • Improve documentation

  • Solve an issue

  • Propose new features

  • Discuss feature implementations

  • Submit a bug fix

  • Test with your own data and let us know how it went!

Code contributions

In general, we follow the fork-and-pull git workflow. Here are the steps:

  1. Fork the repository

  2. Checkout the staging branch, which is the development version that gets released into stable (there can be exceptions, but make sure to ask and confirm with us).

  3. Make changes and commit them

  4. Make sure that the CI tests pass. You can run the test suite locally with flake8 . to check style and python -m unittest discover tests to run the automated tests. This doesn’t guarantee it will pass remotely since we run on multiple envs, but should work in most cases.

  5. Push your local branch to your fork

  6. Submit a pull request from your repo to the staging branch of mindsdb/type_infer so that we can review your changes. Be sure to merge the latest from staging before making a pull request!


You will need to sign a CLI agreement for the code since the repository is under a GPL license.

Feature and Bug reports

We use GitHub issues to track bugs and features. Report them by opening a new issue and fill out all of the required inputs.

Code review process

Pull request (PR) reviews are done on a regular basis. If your PR does not address a previous issue, please make an issue first.

If your change can affect performance, we will run our private benchmark suite to validate it.

Please, make sure you respond to our feedback/questions.


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