from typing import Optional, List, Dict
import torch
import pandas as pd
from dataprep_ml import StatisticalAnalysis
from lightwood.helpers.log import log, timed
from lightwood.api.types import ProblemDefinition, PredictionArguments
from lightwood.helpers.ts import get_inferred_timestamps
from lightwood.analysis.base import BaseAnalysisBlock
def explain(data: pd.DataFrame,
encoded_data: torch.Tensor,
predictions: pd.DataFrame,
target_name: str,
target_dtype: str,
problem_definition: ProblemDefinition,
stat_analysis: StatisticalAnalysis,
pred_args: PredictionArguments,
runtime_analysis: Dict,
explainer_blocks: Optional[List[BaseAnalysisBlock]] = [],
ts_analysis: Optional[Dict] = {}
This procedure runs at the end of every normal `.predict()` call. Its goal is to generate prediction insights,
potentially using information generated at the model analysis stage (e.g. confidence estimation).
As in `analysis()`, any user-specified analysis blocks (see class `BaseAnalysisBlock`) are also called here.
row_insights: a DataFrame containing predictions and all generated insights at a row-level.
# ------------------------- #
# Setup base insights
# ------------------------- #
predictions = predictions.reset_index(drop=True)
data = data.reset_index(drop=True)
tss = problem_definition.timeseries_settings
row_insights = pd.DataFrame()
global_insights = {}
def _reformat_ts_columns(tss, out_df, in_df):
if tss.is_timeseries:
if tss.group_by:
for col in tss.group_by:
out_df[f'group_{col}'] = in_df[col]
out_df[f'order_{tss.order_by}'] = in_df[tss.order_by]
out_df[f'order_{tss.order_by}'] = get_inferred_timestamps(
out_df, tss.order_by, ts_analysis['deltas'], tss, stat_analysis,
return out_df
if not explainer_blocks:
predictions.rename(columns={'__mdb_original_index': 'original_index'}, inplace=True)
predictions = _reformat_ts_columns(tss, predictions, data)
return predictions, global_insights
row_insights['original_index'] = data['__mdb_original_index']
row_insights['prediction'] = predictions['prediction']
if pred_args.predict_proba:
for col in predictions.columns:
if '__mdb_proba' in col:
row_insights[col] = predictions[col]
row_insights = _reformat_ts_columns(tss, row_insights, data)
kwargs = {
'data': data,
'encoded_data': encoded_data,
'predictions': predictions,
'analysis': runtime_analysis,
'target_name': target_name,
'target_dtype': target_dtype,
'tss': tss,
'positive_domain': stat_analysis.positive_domain,
'anomaly_detection': problem_definition.anomaly_detection,
'pred_args': pred_args
# ------------------------- #
# Call explanation blocks
# ------------------------- #
for block in explainer_blocks:"The block %s is now running its explain() method", block.__class__.__name__)
row_insights, global_insights = block.explain(row_insights, global_insights, **kwargs)
return row_insights, global_insights