Source code for lightwood.encoder.array.ts_num_array

from typing import List, Dict, Iterable, Optional

import torch

from lightwood.encoder import BaseEncoder
from lightwood.encoder.numeric import TsNumericEncoder

[docs]class TsArrayNumericEncoder(BaseEncoder): def __init__(self, timesteps: int, is_target: bool = False, positive_domain: bool = False, grouped_by=None, nan=0): """ This encoder handles arrays of numerical time series data by wrapping the numerical encoder with behavior specific to time series tasks. :param timesteps: length of forecasting horizon, as defined by TimeseriesSettings.window. :param is_target: whether this encoder corresponds to the target column. :param positive_domain: whether the column domain is expected to be positive numbers. :param grouped_by: what columns, if any, are considered to group the original column and yield multiple time series. """ # noqa super(TsArrayNumericEncoder, self).__init__(is_target=is_target) self.normalizers = None self.group_combinations = None self.dependencies = grouped_by self.data_window = timesteps self.positive_domain = positive_domain self.nan_value = nan self.sub_encoder = TsNumericEncoder(is_target=is_target, positive_domain=positive_domain, grouped_by=grouped_by) self.output_size = self.data_window * self.sub_encoder.output_size
[docs] def prepare(self, priming_data): """ This method prepares the underlying time series numerical encoder. """ if self.is_prepared: raise Exception('You can only call "prepare" once for a given encoder.') self.sub_encoder.prepare(priming_data) self.is_prepared = True
[docs] def encode(self, data: Iterable[Iterable], dependency_data: Optional[Dict[str, str]] = {}) -> torch.Tensor: """ Encodes a list of time series arrays using the underlying time series numerical encoder. :param data: list of numerical values to encode. Its length is determined by the tss.window parameter, and all data points belong to the same time series. :param dependency_data: dict with values of each group_by column for the time series, used to retrieve the correct normalizer. :return: list of encoded time series arrays. Tensor is (len(data), N x K)-shaped, where N: self.data_window and K: sub-encoder # of output features. """ # noqa if not self.is_prepared: raise Exception('You need to call "prepare" before calling "encode" or "decode".') if self.sub_encoder.normalizers is None and self.normalizers is not None: self.sub_encoder.normalizers = self.normalizers if not dependency_data: dependency_data = {'__default': [None] * len(data)} ret = self.sub_encoder.encode(data, dependency_data=dependency_data) return torch.Tensor(ret).nan_to_num(self.nan_value)
[docs] def decode(self, encoded_values, dependency_data=None) -> List[List]: """ Decodes a list of encoded arrays into values in their original domains. :param encoded_values: encoded slices of numerical time series. :param dependency_data: used to determine the correct normalizer for the input. :return: a list of decoded time series arrays. """ if not self.is_prepared: raise Exception('You need to call "prepare" before calling "encode" or "decode".') encoded_values = encoded_values.reshape(encoded_values.shape[0], self.data_window, self.sub_encoder.output_size) ret = [] for tensor in torch.split(encoded_values, 1, dim=0): ret.append(self.decode_one(tensor, dependency_data=dependency_data)) return ret
[docs] def decode_one(self, encoded_value, dependency_data={}) -> List: """ Decodes a single window of a time series into its original domain. :param encoded_value: encoded slice of a numerical time series. :param dependency_data: used to determine the correct normalizer for the input. :return: a list of length TimeseriesSettings.window with decoded values for the forecasted time series. """ ret = [] for encoded_timestep in torch.split(encoded_value, 1, dim=1): ret.extend(self.sub_encoder.decode(encoded_timestep.squeeze(1), dependency_data=dependency_data)) return ret