import math
from typing import Union, Dict
from copy import deepcopy as dc
import torch
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from type_infer.dtype import dtype
from lightwood.encoder.base import BaseEncoder
from lightwood.helpers.general import is_none
[docs]class NumericEncoder(BaseEncoder):
The numeric encoder takes numbers (float or integer) and converts it into tensors of the form:
``[0 if the number is none, otherwise 1, 1 if the number is positive, otherwise 0, natural_log(abs(number)), number/absolute_mean]``
This representation is: ``[1 if the number is positive, otherwise 0, natural_log(abs(number)), number/absolute_mean]]`` if encoding target values, since target values can't be none.
The ``absolute_mean`` is computed in the ``prepare`` method and is just the mean of the absolute values of all numbers feed to prepare (which are not none)
``none`` stands for any number that is an actual python ``None`` value or any sort of non-numeric value (a string, nan, inf)
""" # noqa
def __init__(self, data_type: dtype = None,
target_weights: Dict[float, float] = None,
is_target: bool = False,
positive_domain: bool = False):
:param data_type: The data type of the number (integer, float, quantity)
:param target_weights: a dictionary of weights to use on the examples.
:param is_target: Indicates whether the encoder refers to a target column or feature column (True==target)
:param positive_domain: Forces the encoder to always output positive values
self._abs_mean = None
self.positive_domain = positive_domain
self.decode_log = False
self.output_size = 4 if not self.is_target else 3
# Weight-balance info if encoder represents target
self.target_weights = None
self.index_weights = None
if self.is_target and target_weights is not None:
self.target_weights = dc(target_weights)
self.index_weights = torch.tensor(list(self.target_weights.values()))
[docs] def prepare(self, priming_data: pd.Series):
"NumericalEncoder" uses a rule-based form to prepare results on training (priming) data. The averages etc. are taken from this distribution.
:param priming_data: an iterable data structure containing numbers numbers which will be used to compute the values used for normalizing the encoded representations
""" # noqa
if self.is_prepared:
raise Exception('You can only call "prepare" once for a given encoder.')
self._abs_mean = priming_data.abs().mean()
self.is_prepared = True
[docs] def encode(self, data: Union[np.ndarray, pd.Series]):
:param data: A pandas series or numpy array containing the numbers to be encoded
:returns: A torch tensor with the representations of each number
if not self.is_prepared:
raise Exception('You need to call "prepare" before calling "encode" or "decode".')
if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
data = data.values
inp_data = np.nan_to_num(data.astype(float), nan=0, posinf=np.finfo(np.float32).max,
neginf=np.finfo(np.float32).min) # noqa
if not self.positive_domain:
sign = np.vectorize(self._sign_fn, otypes=[float])(inp_data)
sign = np.zeros(len(data))
log_value = np.vectorize(self._log_fn, otypes=[float])(inp_data)
log_value = np.nan_to_num(log_value, nan=0, posinf=20, neginf=-20)
norm = np.vectorize(self._norm_fn, otypes=[float])(inp_data)
norm = np.nan_to_num(norm, nan=0, posinf=20, neginf=-20)
if self.is_target:
components = [sign, log_value, norm]
nones = np.vectorize(self._none_fn, otypes=[float])(data)
components = [sign, log_value, norm, nones]
return torch.Tensor(np.asarray(components)).T
def _sign_fn(x: float) -> float:
return 0 if x < 0 else 1
def _log_fn(x: float) -> float:
return math.log(abs(x)) if abs(x) > 0 else -20
def _norm_fn(self, x: float) -> float:
return x / self._abs_mean
def _none_fn(x: float) -> float:
return 1 if is_none(x) else 0
[docs] def decode(self, encoded_values: torch.Tensor, decode_log: bool = None) -> list:
:param encoded_values: The encoded values to decode into single numbers
:param decode_log: Whether to decode the ``log`` or ``linear`` part of the representation, since the encoded vector contains both a log and a linear part
:returns: The decoded array
""" # noqa
if not self.is_prepared:
raise Exception('You need to call "prepare" before calling "encode" or "decode".')
if decode_log is None:
decode_log = self.decode_log
# force = True prevents side effects on the original encoded_values
ev = encoded_values.numpy(force=True)
# set "divergent" value as default (note: finfo.max() instead of pow(10, 63))
ret = np.full((ev.shape[0],), dtype=float, fill_value=np.finfo(np.float64).max)
# `none` filter (if not a target column)
if not self.is_target:
mask_none = ev[:, -1] == 1
ret[mask_none] = np.nan
mask_none = np.zeros_like(ret)
# sign component
sign = np.ones(ev.shape[0], dtype=float)
mask_sign = ev[:, 0] < 0.5
sign[mask_sign] = -1
# real component
if decode_log:
real_value = np.exp(ev[:, 1]) * sign
overflow_mask = ev[:, 1] >= 63
real_value[overflow_mask] = 10 ** 63
valid_mask = ~overflow_mask
real_value = ev[:, 2] * self._abs_mean
valid_mask = np.ones_like(real_value, dtype=bool)
# final filters
if self.positive_domain:
real_value = abs(real_value)
ret[valid_mask] = real_value[valid_mask]
# set nan back to None
if mask_none.sum() > 0:
ret = ret.astype(object)
ret[mask_none] = None
return ret.tolist() # TODO: update signature on BaseEncoder and replace all encs to return ndarrays
def get_weights(self, label_data):
# get a sorted list of intervals to assign weights. Keys are the interval edges.
target_weight_keys = np.array(list(self.target_weights.keys()))
target_weight_values = np.array(list(self.target_weights.values()))
sorted_indices = np.argsort(target_weight_keys)
# get sorted arrays for vector numpy operations
target_weight_keys = target_weight_keys[sorted_indices]
target_weight_values = target_weight_values[sorted_indices]
# find the indices of the bins according to the keys. clip to the length of the weight values (search sorted
# returns indices from 0 to N with N = len(target_weight_keys).
assigned_target_weight_indices = np.clip(a=np.searchsorted(target_weight_keys, label_data),
a_max=len(target_weight_keys) - 1).astype(np.int32)
return target_weight_values[assigned_target_weight_indices]