Source code for api.high_level

import os
from typing import Union
import dill
import pandas as pd
from lightwood.api.types import JsonAI, ProblemDefinition
from dataprep_ml.insights import statistical_analysis
from type_infer.api import infer_types
from lightwood.api.predictor import PredictorInterface
from lightwood.api.json_ai import generate_json_ai
from lightwood.helpers.codegen import code_from_json_ai as _code_from_json_ai, _module_from_code, _predictor_from_code
import sys
import gc
import time
from lightwood.helpers.log import log
from shutil import copyfile

def load_custom_module(file_path: str):
    from lightwood import __version__ as lightwood_version
    modules_dir = os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~/lightwood_modules'), lightwood_version.replace('.', '_'))
    custom_module_path = os.path.join(modules_dir, os.path.split(file_path)[-1])
    if not os.path.exists(modules_dir):
    if os.path.exists(custom_module_path):

    copyfile(file_path, custom_module_path)

[docs]def predictor_from_problem(df: pd.DataFrame, problem_definition: Union[ProblemDefinition, dict]) -> PredictorInterface: """ Creates a ready-to-train ``Predictor`` object from some raw data and a ``ProblemDefinition``. Do not use this if you want to edit the JsonAI first. Usually you'd want to next train this predictor by calling the ``learn`` method on the same dataframe used to create it. :param df: The raw data :param problem_definition: The manual specifications for your predictive problem :returns: A lightwood ``Predictor`` object """ # noqa if not isinstance(problem_definition, ProblemDefinition): problem_definition = ProblemDefinition.from_dict(problem_definition) if problem_definition.ignore_features:'Dropping features: {problem_definition.ignore_features}') df = df.drop(columns=problem_definition.ignore_features) predictor_class_str = code_from_problem(df, problem_definition) return predictor_from_code(predictor_class_str)
[docs]def json_ai_from_problem(df: pd.DataFrame, problem_definition: Union[ProblemDefinition, dict]) -> JsonAI: """ Creates a JsonAI from your raw data and problem definition. Usually you would use this when you want to subsequently edit the JsonAI, the easiest way to do this is to unload it to a dictionary via `to_dict`, modify it, and then create a new object from it using `lightwood.JsonAI.from_dict`. It's usually better to generate the JsonAI using this function rather than writing it from scratch. :param df: The raw data :param problem_definition: The manual specifications for your predictive problem :returns: A ``JsonAI`` object generated based on your data and problem specifications """ # noqa if not isinstance(problem_definition, ProblemDefinition): problem_definition = ProblemDefinition.from_dict(problem_definition) started = time.time() if problem_definition.ignore_features:'Dropping features: {problem_definition.ignore_features}') df = df.drop(columns=problem_definition.ignore_features) type_information = infer_types(df, config={'engine': 'rule_based', 'pct_invalid': problem_definition.pct_invalid}) stats = statistical_analysis( df, type_information.dtypes, problem_definition.to_dict(), type_information.identifiers) duration = time.time() - started if problem_definition.time_aim is not None: problem_definition.time_aim -= duration if problem_definition.time_aim < 10: problem_definition.time_aim = 10 # Assume that the stuff besides encoder and mixers takes about as long as analyzing did... bad, but let's see if problem_definition.expected_additional_time is None: problem_definition.expected_additional_time = duration json_ai = generate_json_ai( type_information=type_information, statistical_analysis=stats, problem_definition=problem_definition) return json_ai
[docs]def code_from_json_ai(json_ai: JsonAI) -> str: """ Autogenerates custom code based on the details you specified inside your JsonAI. :param json_ai: A ``JsonAI`` object :returns: Code (text) generate based on the ``JsonAI`` you created """ return _code_from_json_ai(json_ai)
[docs]def predictor_from_code(code: str) -> PredictorInterface: """ :param code: The ``Predictor``'s code in text form :returns: A lightwood ``Predictor`` object """ return _predictor_from_code(code)
[docs]def code_from_problem(df: pd.DataFrame, problem_definition: Union[ProblemDefinition, dict]) -> str: """ :param df: The raw data :param problem_definition: The manual specifications for your predictive problem :returns: The text code generated based on your data and problem specifications """ if not isinstance(problem_definition, ProblemDefinition): problem_definition = ProblemDefinition.from_dict(problem_definition) if problem_definition.ignore_features:'Dropping features: {problem_definition.ignore_features}') df = df.drop(columns=problem_definition.ignore_features) json_ai = json_ai_from_problem(df, problem_definition) predictor_code = code_from_json_ai(json_ai) return predictor_code
[docs]def predictor_from_state(state_file: str, code: str = None) -> PredictorInterface: """ :param state_file: The file containing the pickle resulting from calling ``save`` on a ``Predictor`` object :param code: The ``Predictor``'s code in text form :returns: A lightwood ``Predictor`` object """ try: module_name = None with open(state_file, 'rb') as fp: predictor = dill.load(fp) except Exception as e: module_name = str(e).lstrip("No module named '").split("'")[0] if code is None: raise Exception( 'Provide code when loading a predictor from outside the scope/script it was created in!') if module_name is not None: try: del sys.modules[module_name] except Exception: pass gc.collect() _module_from_code(code, module_name) with open(state_file, 'rb') as fp: predictor = dill.load(fp) return predictor
[docs]def predictor_from_json_ai(json_ai: JsonAI) -> PredictorInterface: """ Creates a ready-to-train ``Predictor`` object based on the details you specified inside your JsonAI. :param json_ai: A ``JsonAI`` object :returns: A lightwood ``Predictor`` object """ # noqa code = code_from_json_ai(json_ai) predictor = predictor_from_code(code) return predictor