Predictor Interface

The PredictorInterface creates the skeletal structure around basic functionality of Lightwood.

class api.predictor.PredictorInterface[source]

Abstraction of a Lightwood predictor. The PredictorInterface encompasses how Lightwood interacts with the full ML pipeline. Internally,

The PredictorInterface class must have several expected functions:

  • analyze_data: Peform a statistical analysis on the unprocessed data; this helps inform downstream encoders and mixers on how to treat the data types.

  • preprocess: Apply cleaning functions to each of the columns within the dataset to prepare them for featurization

  • split: Split the input dataset into a train/dev/test set according to your splitter function

  • prepare: Create and, if necessary, train your encoders to create feature representations from each column of your data.

  • featurize: For input, pre-processed data, create feature vectors

  • fit: Train your mixer models to yield predictions from featurized data

  • analyze_ensemble: Evaluate the quality of fit for your mixer models

  • adjust: Incorporate new data to update pre-existing model(s).

For simplification, we offer an end-to-end approach that allows you to input raw data and follow every step of the process until you reach a trained predictor with the learn function:

  • learn: An end-to-end technique specifying how to pre-process, featurize, and train the model(s) of interest. The expected input is raw, untrained data. No explicit output is provided, but the Predictor object will “host” the trained model thus.

You can also use the predictor to now estimate new data:

  • predict: Deploys the chosen best model, and evaluates the given data to provide target estimates.

  • test: Similar to predict, but user also passes an accuracy function that will be used to compute a metric with the generated predictions.

  • save: Saves the Predictor object for further use.

The PredictorInterface is created via J{ai}son’s custom code creation. A problem inherits from this class with pre-populated routines to fill out expected results, given the nature of each problem type.

adjust(new_data, old_data=None, adjust_args=None)[source]

Adjusts a previously trained model on new data. Adopts the same process as learn but with the exception that the adjust function expects the best model to have been already trained.


This is experimental and subject to change.

  • new_data (DataFrame) – New data used to adjust a previously trained model.

  • old_data (Optional[DataFrame]) – In some situations, the old data is still required to train a model (i.e. Regression mixer) to ensure the new data doesn’t entirely override it.

  • adjust_args (Optional[dict]) – Optional dictionary with parameters to customize the finetuning process.

Return type:



Adjusts best-fit model in-place, doesn’t return anything.


Performs a statistical analysis on the data to identify distributions, imbalanced classes, and other nuances within the data.


data (DataFrame) – Data used in training the model(s).

Return type:



Evaluate the quality of mixers within an ensemble of models.


enc_data (Dict[str, DataFrame]) – Pre-processed and featurized data, split into the relevant train/test splits.

Return type:


export(file_path, json_ai_code)[source]

Exports both the predictor object and its code to a single binary file for later usage.

  • file_path (str) – Location to store your Predictor Instance.

  • json_ai_code (str) – The code generated by the user’s specification.

Return type:



Saves Predictor instance.


Provides an encoded representation for each dataset in split_data. Requires self.encoders to be prepared.


split_data (Dict[str, DataFrame]) – Pre-processed data from the dataset, split into train/test (or any other keys relevant)


For each dataset provided in split_data, the encoded representations of the data.


Fits “mixer” models to train predictors on the featurized data. Instantiates a set of trained mixers and an ensemble of them.


enc_data (Dict[str, DataFrame]) – Pre-processed and featurized data, split into the relevant train/test splits. Keys expected are “train”, “dev”, and “test”

Return type:



Trains the attribute model starting from raw data. Raw data is pre-processed and cleaned accordingly. As data is assigned a particular type (ex: numerical, categorical, etc.), the respective feature encoder will convert it into a representation useable for training ML models. Of all ML models requested, these models are compiled and fit on the training data.

This step amalgates preprocess -> featurize -> fit with the necessary splitting + analyze_data that occurs.


data (DataFrame) – (Unprocessed) Data used in training the model(s).

Return type:



Nothing; instantiates with best fit model from ensemble.

predict(data, args={})[source]

Intakes raw data to provide model predictions.

  • data (DataFrame) – Data (n_samples, n_columns) that the model will use as input to predict the corresponding target value for each sample.

  • args (Dict[str, object]) – any parameters used to customize inference behavior. Wrapped as a PredictionArguments object.

Return type:



A dataframe containing predictions and additional sample-wise information. n_samples rows.


Prepares the encoders for each column of data.


data (Dict[str, DataFrame]) – Pre-processed data that has been split into train/test. Explicitly uses “train” and/or “dev” in preparation of encoders.

Return type:



Nothing; prepares the encoders for learned representations.


Cleans the unprocessed dataset provided.


data (DataFrame) – (Unprocessed) Data used in training the model(s).

Return type:



The cleaned data frame


With a provided file path, saves the Predictor instance for later use. :type file_path: str :param file_path: Location to store your Predictor Instance. :rtype: None :returns: Saves Predictor instance.


Categorizes the data into a training/testing split; if data is a classification problem, will stratify the data.


data (DataFrame) – Pre-processed data, but generically any dataset to split into train/dev/test.

Return type:

Dict[str, DataFrame]


Dictionary containing training/testing fraction

test(data, metrics, args={}, strict=False)[source]

Intakes raw data to compute values for a list of provided metrics using a Lightwood predictor.

  • data (DataFrame) – Data (n_samples, n_columns) that the model(s) will evaluate on and provide the target prediction.

  • metrics (list) – A list of metrics to evaluate the model’s performance on.

  • args (Dict[str, object]) – parameters needed to update the predictor PredictionArguments object, which holds any parameters relevant for prediction.

  • strict (bool) – If True, the function will raise an error if the model does not support any of the requested metrics. Otherwise it skips them.

Return type:



A dataframe with n_metrics columns, each cell containing the respective score of each metric.