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MindsDB and SQL Alchemy

SQL Alchemy is a Python package, or a Python SQL toolkit, that provides object-relational mapping features for the Python programming language. It facilitates working with databases and Python. You can download it here or run a pip install sqlalchemy command if you use a Linux system.

How to Connect

Please follow the instructions below to connect your MindsDB to SQL Alchemy.

You can use the Python code below to connect your Cloud MindsDB database to SQL Alchemy.

Make sure you have the pymysql module installed before executing the Python code. To install it, run the pip install pymysql command.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

user = 'MindsDB Cloud username' # your Mindsdb Cloud email address is your username
password = 'MindsDB Cloud password' # replace this value
host = ''
port = 3306
database = ''

def get_connection():
        return create_engine(
                url="mysql+pymysql://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}".format(user, password, host, port, database)

if __name__ == '__main__':
                engine = get_connection()
                print(f"Connection to the {host} for user {user} created successfully.")
        except Exception as ex:
                print("Connection could not be made due to the following error: \n", ex)

Please note that we use the following connection details:

  • Username is your MindsDB Cloud email address
  • Password is your MindsDB Cloud password
  • Host is
  • Port is 3306
  • Database name is left empty

To create a database connection, execute the code above. On success, the following output is expected:

Connection to the for user MindsDB-Cloud-Username created successfully.

You can use the Python code below to connect your local MindsDB database to SQL Alchemy.

Make sure you have the pymysql module installed before executing the Python code. To install it, run the pip install pymysql command.

from sqlalchemy import create_engine

user = 'mindsdb'
password = ''
host = ''
port = 47335
database = ''

def get_connection():
        return create_engine(
                url="mysql+pymysql://{0}:{1}@{2}:{3}/{4}".format(user, password, host, port, database)

if __name__ == '__main__':
                engine = get_connection()
                print(f"Connection to the {host} for user {user} created successfully.")
        except Exception as ex:
                print("Connection could not be made due to the following error: \n", ex)

Please note that we use the following connection details:

  • Username is mindsdb
  • Password is left empty
  • Host is
  • Port is 47335
  • Database name is left empty

To create a database connection, execute the code above. On success, the following output is expected:

Connection to the for user mindsdb created successfully.


The Sqlachemy create_engine is lazy. This implies any human error when entering the connection details would be undetectable until an action becomes necessary, such as when calling the execute method to execute SQL commands.

What's Next?

Now that you are all set, we recommend you check out our Tutorials and Community Tutorials sections, where you'll find various examples of regression, classification, and time series predictions with MindsDB.

To learn more about MindsDB itself, follow the guide on MindsDB database structure. Also, don't miss out on the remaining pages from the SQL API section, as they explain a common SQL syntax with examples.

Have fun!