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Report an Issue 📢

Do you want to report a bug or submit a feature request? You can do that on the MindsDB GitHub issues page.

Before reporting a new issue, whether it is a bug report or a feature request, please make sure that it is not already there.

Bug Report 🐛

Here is how to get started when you want to report a bug.

First, go to our GitHub issues page and click on the New issue button.

Now you have to choose what kind of issue you want to report. Here, we choose Bug report and click on the Get started button.

Now, it's time to fill up the form.

  1. In the first textbox, add a meaningful title for your issue. Also, don't forget to check whether a similar issue already exists. If not, mark the checkbox. Please note that these fields are mandatory.

  2. Here, you describe the current behavior. Please note that this field is mandatory.

  3. If you know what the expected behavior should be, you can add it here.

  4. It is helpful for us if you add the steps you followed that led you to the error.

  5. Any links, references, logs, screenshots, etc., are welcome!


All contributions to our repository should follow the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.

Thank you for reporting a bug! It helps us improve MindsDB for you and future users.

Feature Request 🚀

Here is how to get started when you want to submit a feature request.

First, go to our GitHub issues page and click on the New issue button.

Now you have to choose what kind of issue you want to report. Here, we choose Feature request and click on the Get started button.

Now, it's time to fill up the form.

  1. In the first textbox, add a meaningful title for your issue. Also, don't forget to check whether a similar issue already exists. If not, mark the checkbox. Please note that these fields are mandatory.

  2. Here, you describe the feature request and indicate whether it is related to some error/problem. Please note that this field is mandatory.

  3. If you know how the solution should look, you can add it here.

  4. If you have an alternate solution, you can add it here.

  5. Any links, references, logs, screenshots, etc., are welcome!


All contributions to our repository should follow the contributing guidelines and code of conduct.

Thank you for submitting a feature request! It helps us improve MindsDB for you and future users.

Issue Review

  • Issues are reviewed regularly, usually daily.
  • Depending on the issue type, it will be labeled as Bug or enhancement.
  • Please make sure you respond to our feedback/questions regarding your issue.