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MindsDB Tables Structure

MindsDB Default Tables

On start-up, the MindsDB database consists of 2 tables: predictors and databases.

You can verify it by running the following SQL command:

SHOW tables;

On execution, we get:

| Tables_in_mindsdb    |
| predictors           |
| databases            |

The predictors Table

At first, the predictors table is empty. But, as soon as you create your first machine learning model, you'll see it as a new record in the predictors table.

FROM mindsdb.predictors;

On execution, we get:

|name   |status   |accuracy   |predict   |update_status   |mindsdb_version   |error   |select_data_query   |training_options   |
|       |         |           |          |                |                  |        |                    |                   |


Column name Description
name The name of the ML model.
status Training status having one of the values: generating, training, complete, error.
accuracy The accuracy of the ML model.
predict The name of the target variable column to be predicted.
update_status Training update status (up_to_date or updating).
mindsdb_version The version of MindsDB under which this ML model was created.
error In the case of an error, it contains an error message.
select_data_query SQL select query to create the datasource.
training options Additional training parameters.


To create a predictor, follow this guide.

FROM mindsdb.predictors;

On execution, we get:

|name             |status  |accuracy          |predict|update_status|mindsdb_version|error|select_data_query|training_options|
|house_sales_model|complete|0.4658770134240238|ma     |up_to_date   |       |     |                 |                |

The databases Table

At first, the databases table contains two records:

  • files is one of the default databases within the mindsdb database. It stores all the files uploaded to the MindsDB Cloud editor. Following this guide, you can find out how to upload files to MindsDB.

  • views is one of the default databases within the mindsdb database. It stores all the views. Here is how you can create a view in MindsDB.

FROM mindsdb.databases;

On execution, we get:

|name   |database_type   |host   |port   |user   |
|files  |files           |[NULL] |[NULL] |[NULL] |
|views  |views           |[NULL] |[NULL] |[NULL] |


Column name Description
name The name of the database.
database_type The type or engine of the database.
host The host of the database connected to MindsDB.
port The port of the database connected to MindsDB.
user The user of the database connected to MindsDB.


To create a database within MindsDB, follow this guide.

FROM mindsdb.databases;

On execution, we get:

|name         |database_type   |host           |port   |user        |
|files        |files           |[NULL]         |[NULL] |[NULL]      |
|views        |views           |[NULL]         |[NULL] |[NULL]      |
|example_db   |postgres        |   |5432   |demo_user   |