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MindsDB Documentation

This section will walk you through installing the docs locally. MindsDB documentation is built using MkDocs and use Material theme for MkDocs. The source code is located under docs directory in MindsDB repo.

Documentation can always be improved so we don't have a strict guideliness to follow. We accept any sort of documentation and tutorials improvments, adding missing documentation, new tutorials or keep up the documentation up to date.

Running the docs locally

First install the mkdocs and mkdocs-material theme in your python virtual environment:

pip install -r requirements.txt
Then, navigate to the /mindsdb-docs directory and start the server:

mkdocs serve

The documentation website will be available at

Repository structure

The mindsdb-docs layout is as follows:

docs                                   # Contains documentation source files
|__assets/                             # Image and icons used in pages
│  ├─ images/                          # Images and icons
│__stylesheets/                        # CSS
|                                 # All of the markdown files used as pages
├─ partials/
│  ├─ footer.html                      # Footer bar(empty)
│  ├─ header.html                      # Header and navigation bar
└─ main.html                           # Main page used for adding script blocks
.mkdocs.yml                            # Mkdocs configuration file